Wednesday, February 24, 2010

PowerPoint Tricks - Adding Custom Anchor Points

The AutoShapes in PowerPoint can be conveniently connected using "connectors". However, most AutoShapes only have a few pre-defined "anchor points" which the connectors can connect to. The following is a way to add custom anchor points to an AutoShape:

  1. Convert the AutoShape to Freeform
  2. Right click the shape to select "Edit Points"
  3. Choose "Add point" at where you want the new anchor point to be


Barret said...

Amazing how after nearly an hour of searching Microsoft help and various other web sites, this was the only posting that guided me in the right direction. My issue was that anchor points seem to disappear after using one of the combine shape functions (example, Shape Combine with two Basic Shapes). The only way I could get anchor points to "reactivate" was to Edit Points for my new combined shape and then add a new point somewhere. That seemed to revive existing anchor points and it also worked for the new point I added. This seems like a bug.

Austin DCosta said...

For the lucky folks who actually reach this post, another bug is that when i add a custom anchor point on a rounded rectangle it messes up the shape.