Thursday, November 26, 2009

Interview Questions

1. Simulate a seven-sided die using only five-sided

2. Giving Two Strings, Find out whether they are Anagrams or not?

3. find the longest palindrome in a string?

4. find longest common substring in 2 strings using suffix tree

Some terms:
  • suffix tree of a string S: a tree whose edges are labeled with strings, such that each suffix of S corresponds to exactly one path from the tree's root to a leaf.
  • trie: each edge is labelled with a single character
  • radix tree, Patricia tree/trie: edges are labelled with a string instead of single character
suffix tree: a special type of radix tree
  • How to construct suffix tree?
  • How to find longest common substring using suffix tree?
DP algorithm runs in O(mn).

Fast String Searching With Suffix Trees

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